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Melahirkan generasi acuan Malaysia

Usia kemerdekaan negara telah pun memasuki usia 66 tahun. Sudah pastinya negara kita telah mampu melahirkan generasi yang celik huruf celik, celik teknologi, berwawasan, beretika, berfikiran kreatif, berinovasi dan berpandangan jauh. Ini sangat berbeza dengan masyarakat kita sebelum merdeka dahulu yang kebanyakannya buta huruf dan tidak berpendidikan, jika ada sangat sedikit dan itu pun hanya pada peringkat rendah.  

Revolutionising Higher Education: The Significance of Micro-Credentials in Malaysia’s Hybrid Learning Environment - A Success Story from UMPSA

The higher education landscape in Malaysia has undergone rapid transformation in recent years, driven by technological advancements and evolving workforce needs. To keep up with global educational trends, the Malaysian government has incorporated the concept of globalised online learning into its national agenda, as outlined in the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015-2025. 

UMPSA’s SULAM fosters sustainable community

Service Learning Malaysia-University for Society (SULAM) incorporates both curricular and co-curricular approaches to serve and educate. SULAM does not simply involve community involvement or volunteer work, but rather, it is a planned and purposeful process of learning that is based on eight principles:

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