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 Perpaduan hadiah tidak ternilai dan perlu dipelihara
Perpaduan hadiah tidak ternilai dan perlu dipelihara

Kuantan, 18 September–Perpaduan adalah hadiah tidak ternilai dan perlu

UMP rewarded staff and community for quality service and exemplary work
UMP rewarded staff and community for quality service and exemplary work

A total of 149 University Malaysia Pahang (UMP) staff received the Excellent Service Award while

Students need to be courageous and have passion for knowledge
Students need to be courageous and have passion for knowledge

Students should take advantage of the many activities available in cam

Future graduate students need to be bold in facing global challenges
Future graduate students need to be bold in facing global challenges

Future graduate students were advised to be bold and be prepared befor

Kolaborasi Industri- UMP antara Terbaik Dunia dalam Kebolehpasaran Graduan
Kolaborasi Industri- UMP antara Terbaik Dunia dalam Kebolehpasaran Graduan

Pekan, 20 September- Usaha berterusan Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP)

Kit Kerusi Roda Bermotor untuk Warga Emas
Kit Kerusi Roda Bermotor untuk Warga Emas

Pekan, 12 September- Prihatin terhadap kepayahan warga emas di Pusat J